On 2/5, we had Nick open and close the meeting. We finalized plans for the Klondike Derby, deciding we would have 2 patrols.
There really was not a skills lesson or a game that night because it took the entire meeting to prepare for the 2008 Klondike.
On 2/12, we had Alex open and close the meeting. We had visitors from Cub Scout Pack 522 and also Bill Freeland and Mr.
Knight(the new District Executive) was at the meeting for the Friends of Scouting Presentation. Troop 42 donated over $800
to the Jersey Shore Council from parents within the troop. We organized a game, known as Blind Man's Fury. We reflected upon
our weekend participating in the Klondike Derby. Due to the Friends of Scouting Presentation, we were unable to teach a skills
lesson at this meeting.
On 2/19, we had Nick open the meeting & Alex close the meeting. Our visitors from Pack 522 last week, decided to
join Troop 42. We decided to move the Belleplain trip from 3/21-3/23(Easter Weekend) to 3/28-2/30. We also filled out blue
cards for the Merit Badge Fair. Our newest troop members filled out paperwork to join our troop. Nick took the troop out for
a quick game. However, due to the amount of paperwork, we were unable to present a skills Lesson this week.
On 2/26, we had the new Panther Patrol open & close the meeting. We collected blue cards from the Merit Badge Fair.